viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

My "big Chilean"...

If I ask you for the “big Chileans” is probably that you think in Pablo Neruda, Violeta Parra, Bernardo O’Higgins or other famous persons that maybe have many merit for to be remember, but today I choose to write about other person that I think, to do a beautiful job and too is a “big Chilean”, his name is Domingo Pontigo. Mr. Domingo is a popular poet from San Pedro, a rural sector in Melipilla, usually in this time; you can see him in his plot harvesting strawberries like the majority of his neighbors, but in the night or in his free time he write verses. Actually, he is the most prolific poet and one of the best popular singings.
In the tradition orals circle he is really famous and he have many years experience in this field, he wrote books in verses about the History of Chile and other things, and every years he go to the meetings of popular music, he give many interview in the newspaper and in the TV and do workshop of popular poesy for the children’s of rural places of the central zone, because he always say that for he is important to work for to keep the traditional expressions. This week he received a prize for the “Alive Human Treasure”, from the government.
I choose to write about him like a “big Chilean” because I think that he and his work are really examples, but no only for the “rescue of our traditions”, other than for the dedication and his way of life, that I think, are conditions for to be a “big” person more than wars and international prizes…

3 comentarios:

  1. I think that it is good that you have chosen a person who is not so famous, since these persons sometimes have very much value.

  2. It sounds like he is a really interesting person. I agree with Emilio and Cata that there are many great people who are not famous.

  3. Fran, What poems our to recommend? How do you knew to this poet?
