viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

A "beautiful" job

If difficult for me answer questions about the jobs because now I have some vocational problems…so, I’m not sure where or what job I would like to choose. If you ask me what job would you choose and why? Some months ago I think that I would have to answer “oh!! I love the latinamerican art!, I would like have a job related with this topic, maybe in a museum researching some collection of colonial art, writing about contemporary art, in projects or like teacher of this topic”, but now I’m not really sure if it is the job that I want or if this is the life that I want. Now, I’ m boring of this “academic world” and I believe that I not enjoy this type of job and I think that already many people is unhappy in their jobs…the world don’t needs other sad person.
I’m certain that I love the art, I really like study it and I’m sure that I would like have a job related with this topic in the future, but this isn’t enough for me. By coincidence this week in class the teacher said “our job is beautiful, but not really useful. We don’t contribute in nothing for give solutions to the real problems in the world”, I disagree with she, I think that she underestimate the capacity of the art, but yes, in the library there isn’t the “real world” and I want to stay there, I want to work there. So, now if I have to choose some job that satisfying me I think that I would like something related with the art therapy, surrounded of persons and believing that I’ m doing something useful for the people and not something only “beautiful”. Now, I’m working in a project in this topic with specialists in art therapy and I think that this is a great job!

6 comentarios:

  1. I'm disagree with that teacher too. Why the "real problems" are only the problems related to economy or palpable things?

    Success in your project!

  2. I've has seriuos vocational crisis too. But "they" (the crisis) are useful tool to discover your real vocation. But sometimes they are terribles....
    I think that with the art therapy you going to do something useful for the world. :)

  3. the topic about useful of art is very difficult , depend of the point of see, I think that the art is very useless, but that is the interesting of art.

  4. Come on Fran! Liven up! Sure you find some job or something klike you, maybe you only need time and think about this without pressure.


  5. I have vocational problems too but I tell you as advice that we have to choose one. It must be a dictatorial decision.

  6. Is the crisis of fourth year?? Because I feeling very represented too... I'm wondering: "what were you thinking when you decided to study art?! Political Science was a better idea!"
    Art-therapy is great area. If you think about it, younger generations are more interested in art and make things less "academic". Is academic too, I know, but not in a usual use.

    ...Reiki may show you the way.
