viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

I would like to meet with...

Sinse I was at school I’m stunned with the figure of Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, so if you ask me for a person that I would like to meet immediately I think in he. Becquer was a famous writer of the Spanish Romanticism in the ninety century; all his family was artist, his father and his brother were renowneds painters and when he was a child had proximity with the draw, but his parents to died when Becquer was ten years and this link with the art was broken. Some years after he lived with his aunt and with she began his literary career, so he went to Madrid for study but the trip not was that he expected and only had little jobs in some independent newspaper and published in unknown printer’s. He had a really bohemian and tragic life, with many disappointments that you can to see in his work, for example, in Madrid he meet with two beautiful sisters connected with the music word and he was in love with both! and his famous poem “your blue pupil” was dedicated for one of this sisters. Some years after he was married and had three children, but his life continue among scandals and illness, he died really younger of tuberculosis.
I think that he is really interesting; his work and is life is stunned!! And I think that in his work you can see that he was a mystical people. I consider that Manrique, the character of his famous legend “The moonbeam”, is the representation of Becquer, with languid appearance and very melancholic… I think that the next description of Manrique that write the writer is the image of Becquer:

“He loved the solitude, because within it, giving free rein to the imagination, they create a fantasy world, habited by strange creations, daughters of his delusions and his dreams of a poet (…)”

6 comentarios:

  1. Oh I loved poetry, and specially Béquer. I don't knowed too things of his life, thank you for your post!


  2. Ohh Francisca, always a romantic person
    Actually I prefer the north american writers or poets, I don't know the reason, but always I read more about this writers... But now I'm coming to read more latinoamerican and spanish literature.


  3. That romantic poet. I haven't even read his books, but yes I have read fragments. Really is ver simple and beautiful his writings.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Always I have something to learn about you, dear Francisca.
    I don't like poetry, I prefer novels.
    I must read more of Becquer.
