viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

The important things in the bicentennial year

Speak about the Chilean bicentenary remit us necessarily at the concept of “nation” and “nationalism” and it do us to think about his meaning. This topic remember me a Lord Byron’s phrase “Who don’t love his country can’t love nothing” and unfortunately many people believe this, they think that we would be proud of all things that our country only for this, because is OUR Chile. The bicentenary was the perfect occasion for remember all this old ideas about the nationalism…
For to celebrate the Chilean Bicentenary the government to organize many and differents activities, some really brainless, but we can’t to deny that they did some effort for to commemorate this important national celebration. One of the most famous activity and maybe the best example of the things that the people, in general, think about our country in the bicentennial year, was the “Bicentenary Capsule”. If we think in the objects that the people choose for to keep in this capsule because they consider it importants and representatives of our identity, we can know how the Chileans view to Chile in this year.
One of the “Bicentenary objects” that there is in the famous capsule is a security camera, is this something representative of the society in the bicentennial year? Maybe yes, but this would be really sad… Well, this capsule contain other 135 objects that supposedly are representative of our identity in this moment, like: a key, a kettle, books of History, jerseys of the sport teams, a toy of Juan Carlos Bodoque, a Bip card, a colaless, prosthesis of silicone, a pendrive, a vuvuzela, etc. Is it Chile now? Is a 3D glasses representatives of our identity? Or is it the song “Arriva la vida” of the Croni-k?
The Chile of the bicentennial year is the same Chile of the centennial year and probably the same that will be in many year more because I think that never we can to think in something like a common identity or in our nation, and the best example is the “Bicentenary capsule”, it have many differents things that represent many singulars and specials way of to think in the same thing: Chile. And I think that it is great! I detest the old discourses about nationalism and patriotism based in empty ideas…

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