viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Countess Catula

Is difficult to choose my favorite or the best classmate’s blogs because I like many and different things of each one… I adore the background of the Camila’s blog (Ilovelovercraft), the pictures of Emilio, the name of the Lucy’s blog “Lucy in the sky II” and the last post about Felipe Avello of the Diego’s blog. But if I have to choose only on, I give the prize for the best blog to Catalina’s blog “catinglish”, I like her blog because we like similar things and I enjoy her posts. I think that she write with a little of humor and too is obviously that she really love the things about she write, like Nicanor Parra or Bukowski. Other good thing about this blog is that all post has a clear organization, because in the case of the writers for example, she to get the biography of the person mixed up with her commentaries and with some text of the writers. My favorite post was the last, when we wrote about the big Chilean and she chose to Nicanor Parra, I liked this post because he is one of my favorite Chilean writers and “The imaginary men”, the poem that Catalina enclosed in the end of her post, is my preferred too and it is really representative of the Nicanor Parra style.

The blog in general is great, but maybe Catalina could be done to improve her writing, because sometimes she write really fast and she isn’t very careful with the words that she use. ..

PD: I like too the image of the Conde Patula that she have in her profile! So I chose the same picture like the most representative of this blog…

2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks Francisca for you criticims, I agree with you, because always I write in a hurry, I don't konw the reason, maybe I'm of this way and I don't use the correct words...


  2. Conde Patula image is the best of all blogs!
    I think Catalina writes quickly beacuse need to do her tasks in the correct time, or if not she gets hysterical! xD
