viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

Native people

For me is really dificult to express an opinion about this topic because I think that is complex, hard and intricate, and maybe I would prefer not to comment…
First of all, I have to say that I disagree with many things of the “two sides”. In the case of the State, Piñera and nobody, obviously it don’t tried very hard of work in the “mapuche topic” because the “pacifying process of the Araucanía” or the “occupation of the Araucanía” are clear sign that this. Now there is a new idea, the “Araucanía Plan”, with this initiative the government hopes to achieve the economic developed and the diffusion of the culture of the region, and to “incorporate” at the native people of this place at the traditional system of the education or health. I think that this is the problem...why they need to forget their traditions and their models of life? Why they have to include in bad education system that don’t contribute with nothing in their lives? Is really stupid to think in software, operative system or bibles in Mapudungun…
All these initiatives are result of the antiquated idea that “our” country needs that all people to be the same! In general, the persons think that all should be to feel Chilean and love our flag and other symbols more than our life! ... But obviously you can’t to ask this to people that have other ideas and other models of life and the solution, in the case Mapuche and the other native people, isn’t to return their land, the creation of the ethnic school or give them little places inside the “civilization” for to celebrate their rites and ceremonies.

1 comentario:

  1. (we choose the same picture!)
    I think there is a cultural barrier and political interests which impede the passage to one side to the other. Because I don't believe Mapuches and Chileans are one.
