viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Our "opportunities"

“Gender and opportunities in Chile”… What spring your mind with this phrase? In my case, I immediately think in the women because ever time concepts like “gender” “opportunities” or “claim” have been connected with the woman. Why we never (or really few time) speak about the opportunities or the men rights? Maybe because we think that the men don’t need this kind of dispute “we are the fairer sex", “we need to be rescue”.
I detest speak about “the woman” (like study object) and all that this represent, I think that the feminist movement wasn’t contribution to image of the women and only was a caricature of the feminine. Now, I think that we don’t need “opportunities” or implore for have the place of the men, if you think that require that other people give you some place or assure you a job, you don’t believe in your own capacities…

3 comentarios:

  1. I'm agree with your opinion, but too I think that is a matter of "social mentality", is a problem to reproduction of our system, and this is a responsability that ours.


  2. Is important change the mentality about the man and woman, and accept and consider the habilities of everyone.


  3. Hi Fran,
    Nice to meet you, I'm Camila :)
    I would like to tell you that I agree with you in the matter that the Feminism Movement hasn't helped the women, in fact, it has been a divider between both genders, when the feminists claimed for respect of their rights they were marking the difference, which is the same than make different rights for each gender. I mean, if you say, 'Hey, I'm a woman, I have different rights than men', you're saying that there's no Human Rights, but Men Rights and Women Rights, which is the origin of all this matter. Of course that we're different than men, they don't bring children to life themselves, they don't suffer pain and uncomfortabilities every month, they're not seen as a product or only a body to be used in order to have sexual pleasure, they're are always more respected in their Human Rights, and that's what WE, AS WOMEN, have to defend.
    Hope you'll understand my poor english.
    See you :)
