viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

II Cumbre del rock chileno

Today I choose to write about the Cumbre del rock chileno II, it was in January, 11th 2009 in the riding club. The concert began at 12 AM o’clock and finished after to midnight! That day, more of 80 musicians to play and more of 40 thousand peoples attended.
I was only with my boyfriend, but in the riding club we meet with many friends of the school and the university…was great! I think that was a really good concert because there were two stages, in the central to play the most famous bands like Los Jaivas, Chancho en Piedra, Los Bunkers and Los Tres; and in a side stage to play alternative bands like El Cruce or Weichafe. The funniest moment was when Sergio Lagos sang, because although there were few people everybody booed him! (I don’t suffered because I don’t like him)
Maybe the unique problem was the water and the food… because obviously after of some hours I had many hungry and thirsty!! And in the place had only two stand selling water and sandwich for all that persons! So many people were to drink water to stable, but I think that wasn’t a good idea…
Obviously I was because I love the Chilean rock and I sang, danced and jumped really much. Was great for me, because during the first Cumbre del Rock chileno I was out of the city and I can’t to go, so wasn’t so terrible to keep back the hungry and the thirsty…I was very happy for to think about this…

viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Our "opportunities"

“Gender and opportunities in Chile”… What spring your mind with this phrase? In my case, I immediately think in the women because ever time concepts like “gender” “opportunities” or “claim” have been connected with the woman. Why we never (or really few time) speak about the opportunities or the men rights? Maybe because we think that the men don’t need this kind of dispute “we are the fairer sex", “we need to be rescue”.
I detest speak about “the woman” (like study object) and all that this represent, I think that the feminist movement wasn’t contribution to image of the women and only was a caricature of the feminine. Now, I think that we don’t need “opportunities” or implore for have the place of the men, if you think that require that other people give you some place or assure you a job, you don’t believe in your own capacities…